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Knowledgeable friendly support ★ Tracked International shipping ★ Trade accounts available ★ Free UK delivery for samples and orders over £250
March 08, 2021 2 min read
Breaking the rules!
I've been reflecting on the representation of women in art this week, and the infamous project our own artist Sarah Thornton was involved in...
This amazing poster from 1989 by The Guerrilla Girls highlights the inequalities in the art world.
Formed in New York in 1985 with a mission of highlighting gender and racial inequality in the art world the Guerrilla Girls wear gorilla masks to hide their identities and focus attention on the issues they are raising.
Fake news that went viral in the 90's...
Whilst studying Fine Art at the University of Leeds, our own Sarah Thornton was part of the 'Leeds 13' student art collective.
The group created an elaborate hoax, apparently spending grant money on a holiday to Malaga, complete with postcards, photos of them at the beach and boarding a plane.
Artist Sarah Thornton talks about 'Going Places' in January 2020
When the story of their apparent misuse of university funds made the headlines in the Sunday Mirror, The Leeds 13 were invited onto BBC Radio 4's Today Program.
The students announced live on Radio 4 that the media had been duped, and the holiday was in fact a simulation, and that they hadn't left Yorkshire.
Their 'Going Places' project fooled the world's media, with the story of the hoax gaining international attention as far as CNN in America and the South China news.
Still breaking a few rules, Sarah Thornton was an inspiration behind the founding of The Monkey Puzzle Tree.
She has brought her energy and love for colour to our 'Rita does Jazz' velvet and 'She Chose Science' wallpaper.
“I aligned myself with those pioneering women artists of the past, looking at things around me for inspiration, nature, flowers, motifs that brought comfort and beauty into my world” - Sarah Thornton
Thanks so much for supporting our small business. All our designs are made in England within 100 miles of our Leeds studio and we pay a 20% royalty back to our artists.
See Sarah Thornton's collection here
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